Monday, January 12, 2009

I am kind of a "Big Deal" around here....

So readers, guess what?! I just received my first ever blog award! YAY ME!
Maki @ w/ Love, Sincerely - Posh Mom's Diary, a wonderful blogger and friend, gave it to me. KISSES to you sweetheart! I am very honored. Of course I missed the blog post in which she gave it to me, due do this crazy-ass thing called "Life." As all of you can tell I haven't been on in awhile lol. I do apologize Maki for not responding sooner.

Here is my new shiny blog award:

Isn't it cute! It is the Pink Lemonade Award. Now I am suppose to nominate 10 of my favorite bloggers to give this award to. Now on this I am going to fudge just a bit. I am only going to give it to a few, because I am in the process of writing another post in which I am giving out other awards. (it will be posted soon) So without further ado, my Award choices are:

1. Supermom @ Breed 'em and Weep

2. Kendrasue @ Life in the slow lane

3. Ambersmilz @ A look into the common life of an ordinary housewife...

4. Oleander @ Purge

5. Far @ My Everyday Soap (Opera!)

6. Christine @ Now What

And of course if Maki hadn't already been chosen three times I would have given it to her again! lol

I would like to take a min and thank my 11 Public followers and those of you that follow me privately....I know you are they from you comments. :-) I am REALLY trying to get back into my habit of blogging more. I hope that I do let myself down on this lol. I have such a great time when I finally get on here. The trick is to make my ass log in! Sighs...sounds like such a simple thing doesn't it?

Now I wasn't lying...I am working on a post called "And the Award Goes To...." and these are personal awards that I created, that I want to give to many bloggers I read and love. Make sure all you followers keep your eye open for that one, you might just be on it!

Until then....or sooner, who knows? :-)


Jaime said...

Glad you want to play along. Since you asked so nicely, i think "T" should be a pretty easy letter. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Oleander said...

Thanks, you made my day!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog :)

Super Mom said...

Well thanks sweetie!! I appreciate the nod :) lol

Ok, well I will be posting shortly with my new award, but what did your first commenter mean about "playing along"? Is there a catch to accepting this award?? If so, let me know so I don't mess it up on my turn...

Later sugar!

Abe's Heart said...

Yay! Congrats to Christine!
(and, all the other bloggers: Showin' some love!:)

All these good peeps!
I'm dizzy.
